Chrome / Edge “Full” install
This “Full” version of Options is meant to be used with Chrome alternative / derivative browsers (a browser based on the Chrome/Chromium browser). For security reasons Google has decided that as of May 13, 2015 extensions from outside the Chrome Web Store cannot be used with any of their Chrome browsers (Stable, Beta, Dev, Canary, or Chromium). You can read more about it here and here.
For the Chrome browser, we have some unsupported tutorials for macOS / OSX and Windows to help you get around this limitation. Please read them entirely to understand what is required before attempting.
Otherwise, there are many Chrome derivative browsers. Options may not work with your particular brand. We suggest you use Edge or Opera, as they are nearly identical to Chrome and are updated frequently.
If you do not need the ability to download media we encourage you to use the Chrome Web Store version.
Note: Minimum requirement is a derivative browser based on Chrome version 26.
Note: The Chrome version requires that you Allow local data to be set (recommended). chrome://settings/content
Note: When installing the Google Chrome version of this extension it says “This extension can access: Your browsing history, Your data on all websites”. This is the default warning for any extension that needs content script access to all websites. This access is needed for detecting embedded videos on third-party pages. For the paranoid: nothing is being done with your data.
After you see something similar to this:
you must:
If this does not work for you or you are unable to drag the Options_1.8.XXX.crx download file on to the “Extensions” window/tab we suggest waiting for the next release of the browser. Or contact the browser author for support.
License: you can subscribe for a license now, or apply for a trial license.
Uninstall and Update: please see the Chrome section of the manual.